Saturday, June 12, 2010

Eva's tormentor locked away forever

Bonn - The case of the 15-year-old Eva: She's been raped twice after her abduction.
Only five weeks after the martyrdom of the public prosecutor has filed charges against the alleged perpetrators W. Christian (25).
Against police officers is still being investigated: officials contributed to embarrassing investigation margins.
New details in the sensational case of the 15-year-old Eva, who was 18 hours long in the hands of a kidnapper. The prosecution said on Tuesday the indictment of Christian W. (last name), an employee at the hotel and catering industry, submitted for rape and false imprisonment.
This has taken place, according to prosecutors on 28 February is against Christian W. clock 22.45 in the Girls Meding Hoven as alleged cop. Eva shows her student. "I need you to go home," W. liar When Eve refuses W. grabs the 15-year-old, pulls her into the car.
There he puts Eva in handcuffs behind their backs glued to his mouth, is it a mask on his face. In his apartment in Flamersheim it dissolves in the middle of the night, suddenly the handcuffs.
W. draws from Eva, she lays on the bed. Then he raped the girl. Goes after a pause again to her.
A full 18 hours of the offender keeps his victims in the violence. He goes to fetch only once briefly in between cigarettes. Clock at 16.30, Christian W. Eva goes home. In the evening, the man is arrested. The police found child pornography in the apartment.
The prosecution will seek preventive detention for W.. He has until March 2006, already served a three-year jail sentence - for rape and false imprisonment.
Against police officers will be determined: A witness had observed how Eva was dragged into the car and transmitted on the indicator. Despite information on the sex offender rang the police were not with him.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bauer kills his wife with tractor

Schiedlberg - morning at 6:30 clock heard the daughter nor a cry, then it was quiet.
When the young woman hurried into the yard, they had to watch as her father, the mother rushed into the cesspool.
Schiedlberg in Steyr-Land, a picturesque spot in Upper Austria. Here occurred a murder that has rocked the whole place. M. Bruno (name changed) continued Wednesday morning on his tractor.
His wife was active already at the early hour in the yard. Suddenly, the 52-year-old gas and headed for the woman. She could not escape.
Bruno rolled over the 51-year-old sat, into reverse, drove again and again over the upper body.
He agreed, according to police a neighbor who lives 100 yards away on another farm. The man hurried to the court, but Bruno Bauer was now completely out of his mind. He sat back on his tractor and tried to run over to the neighbors. He escaped, however.
Then grabbed the farmer to the corpse, took him to ten meters away, septic tank and rushed him into the depths. Even the 21-year-old daughter failed to stop the madman.
Bruno sat in his car and tried to flee. On the lonely road he finally rammed a few kilometers to the ambulance, who was on his way to his farm.
He got out and could be arrested by the police without hesitation. Wednesday, the police issued arrest warrant. What has driven Bruno Bauer to murder, they do not know.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Summit of the sports directors at the Costa del Sol

Marbella -
Borussia Fortuna and toil on the Costa del Sol.
EXPRESS sports directors brought Max Eberl (36) and Werner Wolf (67 combined).
The dual interview.
They know each of FC Bayern.
Werner: Max has helped me when I was in distress. We had a world class-A youth with ...
Eberl: ... Gospodarek in goal. Nerlinger, Münch, Hamann, Eberl, Radlspeck, Cerny, Babbel, Grlic - a super-vintage. Hermann Gerland I still talk to it, because we have left in the first round of the German championship against Stuttgart.
You have exceeded expectations. How do you experience the upswing of your neighbors?
Werner: Michael Frontzeck has formed a team that plays football the structural and makes it fun to go back. Borussia is on the way to establish themselves in the Bundesliga. This is the merit of Max and Michael. In the knock-out against Duisburg but I also noticed that the players always have problems against lower division opponents head back when they feel less able to achieve much. This does not work.
Eberl: Fortune Dusseldorfers rise of 50,000 in the stadium we have followed very closely. The giant Fortuna euphoria brought in a fantastic way for the new season and players brought to the hereinpassen in the new structure. With the transfer and the euphoria they are in regions to which they have not believed before the season. We can see what is possible with a team that holds it together and run in with Norbert Meier and Werner Wolf of experience. The praise I say. But now it's for Fortuna us to confirm what you have created. This is more complicated.
Both clubs are in the transfer table of the last decade at the top. Before you make now is that there can be quite simple.
Eberl: I made until 2008, our youth and watched from Fortuna to get the best talent. I have sometimes taken the trouble and compared all transfers in the Bundesliga over the past ten years. Since we are in the midfield. The number of flops at Gladbach otherwise than in Wolfsburg, Hannover, Frankfurt and Nuremberg. Of course, many in the head of this department store of the West and thus implied, we have constantly smuggles transfers and players through. Check it out on how much transfer Magath in two years has made in Wolfsburg.
Werner: When Magath all outshone by the championship, which conceals the commitments. When you see now what Wolfsburg everything tries desperately to leave, then you know also that many transfers were made in order to create a total construct, which has given them the opportunity to build peace in something. As a success has occurred, has not reckoned with the swine.
In Fortuna, I have followed from a distance that each year the team changed and ten were brought to New. There never was a team, but 20 players were thrown together and then it went back off again. So I can work not if you want to be successful. But you must create a structure in which something can develop.
Borussia had a little too much movement in the executive functions of the sporting side. In Fortuna also heads were changed permanently. As long as you have no rest get in, you can not succeed in Fortuna haben.Der came with the ex-Borussia Werner Meier, Melka, van den Bergh.
Werner: When I arrived in Dusseldorf, football was not exactly attractive. Then I said Uwe Weidemann, I will not run around in their own stadium with only a point. On top of me in Fortuna, people were screaming in every game, we want to fight you see. You do not hear more from us. Because they get the feeling that here is a team that wants to win.
Everyone would have slipped, as we are against Schalke in the final period behind lay 2:5. Schalke swallowed the 5:3, it was crazy and suddenly they had the 5:5 in it. Norbert has managed to take the types together so that only concluded when the referee abpfeift.
What is feasible for Fortuna?
Eberl: It's nice that such a euphoria was created. The decisive factor will be how you come out of the break. Fortuna is no longer seen as the underdog, but taken seriously true. I would be glad that if we had the future of Derby in the Bundesliga. That would be a class story. But it is damn hard.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

sunk after fatal sex games in the barrel

Görlitz -
Perverse sex practitioners were Yvonne M. (20) undoing. The young woman was killed by her ex-boyfriend (21).
To cover up the gruesome crime, the offender tried to get rid of the body of his girlfriend in the quarry "on Gallows Hill." To these he partially embedded in concrete corpse of the young woman in a barrel in a lake.
But the body was found. After the autopsy is now clear that death was caused from the young saleswoman Herwig village in Saxony by the perverted sex practices. The now confirmed the Prosecutor Martin Uebele in Görlitz.
However, the prosecutor would not comment on details, the 21-year-old was in an initial interrogation, the events had slipped away from him ". He was one day after finding the corpse had been arrested.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oliver Kalkofe blasphemes during Carnival

The comedian Oliver Kalkofe carnival items found in ARD and ZDF boring. The two channels is celebrated joie de vivre as the Land Registry said Kalkofe the news magazine "Der Spiegel".
Carnival on television has nothing to do with humor. It is for people who are too weak to get out.
At Carnival broadcasts with political ambition does not believe the comedian. Only a few political heads were good for ironic exaggerations. You could not make the whole day Westerwelle-jokes.
That television carnival held mainly in ARD and ZDF had his reason: "The younger audience of private broadcasters is at the time so on the road and drinks itself"
Comment on Kalkofes carnival views - just take part in discussions at / express and vote here ...
Video on the subject

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Girls (16 hidden) Babies in the garden - dead!

Namborn / Saarbrücken -
She let herself be treated in the hospital because of severe abdominal pain, the tragedy that had taken place recently, she said nothing:
A girl (16) from Namborn should have brought a child into the world and have then stored under a hedge in the garden of his home.
The ambulance was after the discovery early Monday afternoon to determine only the death of the child. Where was the baby remained in hospital the girl had not told the police said, referring to a doctor.
So far am not determine whether the child had lived at birth or whether it had been born dead, "said the spokesman. Clarity should bring an autopsy.
Moreover, further investigations are needed, such as around the 16-year-old student. "They must be heard," said the policeman. The girl was initially continued in the hospital.
The German Red Cross (DRC) had announced on Monday evening that the baby had been found behind a house in the snow. Previously, the rescuers had searched in a "dramatic use of" even with a rescue helicopter to the baby.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The London-Pavarotti is back

Dusseldorf - A Summer in the city without him? That would be like the tailor without Wibbel ... Düsseldorf Pavarotti is back! Julius Ursyn-Niemcevicz (44) belt out the last few days again his operas in the Schneider Wibbel Street.
By the end of August he will perform at the Old Town. "Every year I ask myself: Do I leave or I'm going on the biggest stage in the world?" The Pole said. "Every time I opt for the city's Old Town." And after all, been 24 years!
 "Many of Düsseldorf in recent days have approached me and assured me how much they are happy that I'm back," he says. "Now just have to play the weather ..."
One of his biggest fans is King Gastro Primo Lopez. "In the spring, he called and asked when I finally come back."
The London-Pavarotti, incidentally, very exciting times behind him. "An ex-girlfriend has been in touch with me and asked:" Do you remember our relationship 19 years ago? ". "Yes, I said. It was very beautiful. "She:" Beautiful is our son ... "" he says, laughing.
After his Dusseldorf vacation he wants to meet the 18-year-old Remy. "He lives in Warsaw. There and in Bytom, I have engagements at the Opera. "
 Because he always gets applause. "But only if I sing in the street, I know if I'm good. Only if the pedestrians do not like my singing, they stop and applaud. If not, they go further. "

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Cicero is the right choice"

Cologne --
In the training match on Wednesday Dirk Lottner spun as before. The FC-idol coach Zvonimir Soldo currently supported as a guest instructor - and this is before the start of the second half against Dortmund Bundesliga (Sunday quite) up close to the troops.
Lotte, it was also the FC six years ago gave the final victory on the BVB. In the EXPRESS interview he explains what he expects for the return series: Poldi, Nova and his successor as captain, Youssef Mohamad!
Lotte about ...
Next »
... his last Kunsttor FC win on Dortmund:
"This is a goal that has remained liable. That was a super goal. Nevertheless, we are unfortunately relegated at the end ... "
... his expectations for Lukas Podolski:
"You have to see two points. First, there is the pressure from the public, the transfer fee, the salary that is much higher than most. It must also take him perhaps even more in the duty and say, Poldi, you are voluntarily returned.
If this is your club, then you have to be more willing to tackle more, mitzulenken the structures in the Force, more go ahead. Because one thing is sure: He does not care what happens here. "
... the harmony of the team: "The impression that this is not a team, I can absolutely refute. The acceptance of each other exists. "
... New Captain Mohamad: "His election is useful. From a sporting perspective, he has justified his top performance through the bandage. He marched and skin in between. The A and O, to the fans to be accessible. Therefore we do not have to be German. I do not think much of this stereotype. "
... Relegation worries: "The do not have to. Because the base is present. The defensive. "
... the chances of "his" young professionals "Ben Basala, Reinhold Yabo and Adam Matuschyk will grab it. The only question is how fast. And that depends on present consolidated itself as a pro in the second half. "
... Milivoje Novakovic: "His situation is similar to Poldis. If he plays in the return series on the back burner, he will not play a good World Cup. The next 17 games are his World Cup preparations. "

Sunday, April 25, 2010

People beaten for no reason - Probation

Krefeld - Because he has taken without any opportunity to other people, is a 15-year-old from LandgerichtKrefeld to two years probation was convicted. Außerdembleibt of pupils accommodated in a youth facility, the court decided.
 The 15-year-old had been forced to answer for gutein half-dozen acts of severe prey to gefährlichenKörperverletzung. Accordingly, he beat on Easter Sunday with a 22-year-old accomplice out of the blue denFahrgast one on a bus. Then the man was taken off the phone.
   After the blows to the face had starkesNasenbluten the victim. Later came the drunken duo zuBoden Newspaper distributors and walked one in his face, broke up the pine.
The two starting ließenerst, as a passerby drove them away. The criminal case against denerwachsenen accomplices had been separated during the process.
BeideSchläger had shown himself confessed before the court. For Motivhatte the 15-year-old just said: "I do not know why." Following his arrest, were in the blood of the student over 1.2 per thousand, gefundenworden with his older accomplice of almost 1.9 per thousand.
 In addition to the violence of the teenagers were also mehrereDiebstähle some of scooters and driving without a license, criminal damage and a criminal complaint against a Unschuldigenvorgeworfen been.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Neuville: comeback in the starting lineup?

Mönchengladbach - Borussia fearing even a day before the home match against Hamburg to the flu sick magic dwarf Marko Marin and her Captain Rob Friend.
"Marko has slightly been through Thursday. He feels much better, so that the probability that he is against Hamburg, while large, but not at 100 percent, "said coach Hans Meyer.
"Rob has been a long time back problems that worsened after the game in Berlin. But he is on the mend. His use of opportunities available at 75 percent. "
Wobble Two offensive forces - Oliver Neuville thus can make legitimate hope for the first time ever under Meyer in the early formation.
"I certainly hope so, but the coach will decide," says the 35-year-old and bangs drum for himself: "As a striker it is important that you have options. And I had when I was a substitute in the last two games. "
In the second half only managed to win over Hanover while the winning goal for 3:2. Neuville: "Whether the force is sufficient for 90 minutes, I do not know. But I do not trust it to me anyway. "

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jecke want to save her record

Dusseldorf - Who has the harm need not worry about the sarcasm. The failed attempt of the Düsseldorf revelers, with its "longest carnival meeting of the World" in the Guinness Book of Records to come, many now perceive as extremely painful. According to the fools were tinted, the effort was too great for the two-day event.
But so without further ado, the revelers did not throw in the towel. Manfred Castor, "inventor" of the marathon session: "We had asked us in time when Guinness judge Marco Frigatti for the conditions. There was never any question of that during the meeting ever the same actors on stage and sit in the hall would have the same audience. I think Mr. Frigatti do not know what the criteria should apply for our event. "
Marianne Kock, spokeswoman for the co-organizer Brewery Locks, confirmed: "We have had several conversations with Mr. previously Kuchenbecker, publisher of the Guinness book, and strictly adhered to the conditions."
Now the revelers want to save what can still be saved. Castor: "We will turn the British Consul General and invite him over to a carnival, perhaps Mr. Frigatti session. He even live that this is just a marathon party. "
Marianne Kock: "Mr Kuchenbecker will come to meet us. With a new idea, perhaps they could still save the record. Perhaps we need is not yet available but a category for those items. "
The suggestion that repeat marathon session once again, rejected it: "We do absolutely not." With or without the Guinness book. "It was a mega-event. And we had great fun during the two days, "said Castor.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hassel-North is now under police protection

Dusseldorf - After a mysterious fire series is the high-rise housing "Furstenberg Park in Hassels virtually under police protection. A 6-member task force "Potsdam" has now taken up quarters at the Fürstenbergerstraße.
Commissioner Heiko Dodondke (49) and colleague Frank Roman (22) revealed on Wednesday how they want to catch the arsonist.
Potsdamer-and Fürstenbergerstraße: In the quarter it burned in recent years, 200-fold. Since January 2008 14 deliberate fires were recorded, of which eight 45th in the Potsdamer Strasse The police want to stop this series, now hunting the arsonists in the field. Police spokesman Mark Niesczery: "There are several culprits, which makes the information difficult."
 Accompanied by the interpreters Natalia Zhuravleva and Munira Mentrop fighting, the two investigators on Wednesday in the Potsdamer Strasse 45, 15 Down to the ground floor by ringing: distributing handbills asking questions - a "hard labor" at 105 tenants from 13 nations.
Heiko Dodondke and Roman Franke: "The tenants are surprised but happy that we are there. You notice that they would help us like to catch the perpetrators. We also provide education, say, how to avoid fire risks. We have just started and we believe that our efforts will have results soon, either way. "
Police spokesman Mark Niesczery: "The fires are still many other criminal offenses in this environment. Also we want to fight. The task force, working in three teams of two men, is also here at night, take the right suspects. "
Tenant Leonard Marx (52): "It was time that the police are here taking a position. The officials are seen here happy. "
More about: detectives hunt Ragefire of Hassels> Police Car Cracker snaps ties "Who will stop the spiral of violence? > A settlement> in fear

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Werder in the final - a decision paper ball game

Hamburg - Diego, the tragic hero! With a gala performance in the semi-final match against Hamburger SV Werder Bremen, the Brazilian scored the UEFA Cup final - and is not even there!
In the 3-2 victory Diego from Bremen picked up just before half a second yellow card in this competition - that means automatically lock for the next game!
And what a stupid yellow card himself einhandelte Diego. The Bremen could be provoked by Alex Silva. The Hamburg defender like Diego, a Brazilian who became first verbally and then with palpable Diego together. Referee Frank de Bleeckere (Belgium) showed two cocks dispute the yellow box.
Diego got is not even a. Even on their way into the cabin, he swore at Alex Silva, as he himself by his compatriot to take part in this grand finale on 20 May in Istanbul against Shakhtar Donetsk been felt.
"A nightmare, if not in the finals can be there," said Werder coach Thomas Schaaf. And then moved to the referee's decision: "What has made Diego got there? The other one comes and shoves him! "
Before this dispute Diego, Werder had to leave after the season in any case provided with a Klassetor for the 1:1 compensation (29.) after Ivica Olic had the HSV 1:0 in leading (13.). In Diego played with Claudio Pizarro double pass and capped the rally with his goal - world class!
The calculated Diego can now only sit and watch the finale, which takes him and Werder particularly hard. "This is terrible," felt the Emperor Franz Beckenbauer as a spectator with Werder's Brazilian, "especially the card was completely unnecessary. But Alex Silva, of course, it has provoked. "
Diego, met in the first half, even with a brilliant 20-meter shot the bar, snatched the game on Thursday, more and more themselves. Bremen was a preponderance in this game.
With the 2:1 by Claudio Pizarro, another outstanding player in the Werder-elf, Bremen was already in the final. Frank Baumann's results to make it 3-1 then it was perfect - absolutely curious results: The Hamburg Gravgaard wanted to clear up as the ball verspringt on a paper ball, which had thrown calculated HSV fans onto the pitch, for a corner. Diego that it leads, Almeida extended and Baumann behead you to 3:1. A gate that will go down in football history.
Although the HSV was still on the 2:3 connection hits (Olic, 87.), but that was not enough to progress.
"The game was incredibly hard-fought," said coach Joachim Loew also as a platform guest. And Werder coach Thomas Schaaf beamed: "I am pleased with the performance of my team. It never runs normal in our games. "
Read auchRandale stadium> HSV supporters attack Bremer fan buses to>
Also of interest
UEFA Cup: The pictures of the semi-finals

Friday, March 26, 2010

A super-hospital for the animals

Dusseldorf --
The state capital is the Mecca of veterinary medicine. Marco Lenzen (52) from Düsseldorf has fulfilled a lifelong dream.
After the former fashion designer more terrible fate of animals had suffered and witnessed first hand, he built on the Wielandstraße now Germany's largest veterinary hospital - the "Lesia AG, a Medical Center of superlatives.
On six floors from March to 24 highly qualified specialists, giving the ophthalmologist about tumor specialists to cardiologists, their best.
Medical Director Wolfgang Drinneberg: "We want our team to heal animals and care to set new standards. Using the latest scientific findings and the latest medical equipment up to the CT scanner for animals. "
Veterinarians will "Lesia" not be a competitor but partner. They share experiences and knowledge. CEO Dirk Jacob (36): "We also have an academy that will teach in the international capacity of veterinary medicine. It is open to veterinarians and pet owners. "
Pate and mascot of the clinic is "Lesia", half blinded dog. The "Center for Veterinary Medicine" bears his name. Lenzen had discovered him during a Greek vacation and saved from certain death.
Lenzen: "When I recently saw how a dog died because he bled to death during tooth extraction, it was clear to me what mission I had. It cost me a fortune. But I know that happy animals and happy owner of it will return to me. "
Despite the perfect technology of an animal hospital and animal should stay in the center. Animal welfare Lenzen wants to give new impetus to fight to ensure that the "thing" animal law, and also gets one more respectful role in daily life.
Eva Huthmann, senior veterinarian, "masters and mistresses who come with a cat, dog, bird, rabbit or reptile, shall always be in the progress of healing and care to share opportunities."
Dirk Jakobs: "The clinic also includes, for example, a blood bank for animals and an underwater treadmill for dogs, physical therapy seeks to eliminate or reduce suffering. The range is complemented by an emergency ambulance and rescue service around the clock. "

Saturday, March 20, 2010

DDR slot machine celebrates comeback

Cologne - Daddeln until the doctor comes - that was the GDR days, not just the "Americanized" Westerners reserved. For in the east of the "Poly-Play should celebrate" raging success since 1986 - developed by twelve young farmers of the machines VEB Polytechnic in Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz).
Now the comeback of the single slot of the GDR.
Legendary eight games slumbered in the rustic pressboard housing of the "Poly-Play" - from the fast-paced car racing to the DDR version of Pacman.
Particularly in the Game "Deer Hunting" might Hobby Hunters Honecker and his comrades have had their true joy.
Now, the operator of a website, set about reviving the DDR games on the internet again.
You can take the gamble (s) ostalgischen Games Eletro sound of the 80 included in the Flash version on>
By the way: More online games such as Seafight, Action League or Bejeweled 2 under / games>
Also of interest
These games can be played on the poly-Play

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Great Fortune defies the Bavaria

Dusseldorf - "Pull the Bavarians in lederhosen," echoed through the arena, as Olivier de Cock arrived eleven minutes remaining in the final short corner. That was the 2:3, and suddenly sensed Fortune fans that was in there a bit more than a hollow victory. But even if it stay that way - it was a great football night!
More than 30,000 spectators wanted to see the Bavarians, who came with almost all the stars and were able to prevail in the end just to re strong Düsseldorf. "That was not a real defeat," said Captain Henri Heeren followed accordingly. "That was a great game that was fun."
Fortuna had a great start, could even lead to 8 minutes to go. But after Ahmet Cebes playback Lumpi Lambertz stood in the way of the posts. The first score came heavily into play, realized after a half hour but then a threat of disgrace. Henceforth, Ottmar Hitzfeld turned star ensemble of powerful, went through Luca Toni in front - and it would Düsseldorf Number 1 Michael Melka not caught a cream-day, it would have to pause to be pretty bad.
After the change from substitute but then the 0:2 by Gary Speed, who later scored against his old colleague Gladbacher milking one more time. Between the raging double but not really sleep the Shell: armies had opened for Christian Erwig - and take in the moment it all. Through the "Braces" by keeper Bernd Dreher, he scored the 1:2, gave the signal for a tumultuous final phase.
There was even impressed with the industry leader. "Fortuna was laufstark and compact," praised Hitzfeld. And Hoeness: "Fortuna has demanded of us all. The team has already demonstrated the Wintercup that they are not in the 3rd League one. "
Also of interest
"Fortune has in League Two!"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brothel-bar poured

Dusseldorf --
There's always a first time ... opening party at Edelbordell! Three and a half months, the bar in the Rethelstraße was converted into 73 complex - at the weekend it was inaugurated. "The bar has become beautiful," enthuses brothel boss Bert Wollersheim. "She stands out completely from our other stores." Modern-style noble, sophisticated lighting and sound effects, plus a swing and go-go bar in the middle of the room.
Honor that some friends came by and with Puff-Daddy let the corks. "Fantastically here," said actor Ralf Richter, mitfeierte the same way as music producer Lukas Hilbert (ex-member of the jury of "Popstars"). Even pop star and kiosks owners Ricky Shayne was there. TV Channel "Vox" was filming everything.
It was not until the next day at 12.16 clock ended the party. Unanimous opinion of the guests: "A great festival! Michaela Schmidt, CEO of the new class-organized. "Soon there will be another open day!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Isabella Rossellini: "I'm looking for sex"

Dusseldorf --
"I am interested in the environment, animals and of course, for sex - but everyone does," she says and laughs out loud.
The beautiful Isabella Rossellini - on Donnertag put it with her loud laughter all at the NRW-Forum. She was in high spirits and in top shape, even though they had traveled at six clock from New York and was able to rest only briefly in her room at the Intercontinental at the Kö.
NRW-Forum, the 57-year-old her new photo book (Schirmer / Mosel Verlag), and their eponymous show "Green Porno presented" - 18 short films in which she explains about breeding techniques, among others, starfish, shrimp and whales.
Rossellini himself is not only a producer, writer and performer of all nine Seafood and nine species of insects. The daughter of Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini, the films are also her directorial debut.
Video entitled
"Then put me Robert Redford, whose Sundance Film Festival for Had I produced these films." Her parents proud of them?
"They were very amused! I could always have many cats and dogs have also been training guide dogs. My parents gave me early scientific books about animals and I always wanted to make a film about it. Then I became a model and actress. Now I'm doing what I always wanted to do! "
The films show Rossellini in colorful cardboard costumes and bizarre sex scenes from the life of these animals. "Who wants to laugh, who watch the films," she says and explains: "They also have a serious message. It's about our environment. "Thus warned of the dangers of fishing. "The appetite for fish passed me!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Brothel boss pulls himself out of circulation

eco thick yoga mat

Dusseldorf - All his life he was on the fast track. Now runs Germany's most famous brothel boss himself out of circulation:
Bert Wollersheim (58), boss of the Red Rethel mile on the road, do not want to constantly be the "night-owl from the service."
Socialite, charity organizer, author, "Lord of the Chickens" in several television documentaries, night after night oblique master of ceremonies in his clubs. "Puff-Daddy" Bert was dancing in recent years at many weddings. That should change now.
Wollersheim: "It's like this. I walk slowly to the 60th And I have a son whom I love above all. To think of him I must. Non-parties, galas, or glamorous - my boy is the most important thing in my life. "
Alain is his offspring. He is now seven years old. Wollersheim: "He now goes into the second class. And he needs me more each day. Finally, I am a single father. "
What is not always so easy when you constantly have to work at night. Therefore, Father Bert has taken a first consequence. He has brought support to the house. Similarly, blond as he did. But then, but a lot prettier.
At the opening of the newly renovated bar in house number 73 he will share duties with immediate effect, all of its new managing director Michaela Schmidt (34), Wholesale trained clerk. Both are now jointly control the fate of the three houses at the Red Mile.
Bert: "Then I can also stay in the evening time at home. And I am in top shape to get my Alain in the school. "

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joke and McKenna are back

Cologne - There he was again. Just in time for the last time by 10 clock Matthias Scherz (37) entered the training ground on Friday. With the FC-pros, his ex-colleagues ...
Because he on Friday evening in the test against the Bavarians from the start was to be used, allowed new coach Zvonimir Soldo (41) the gate-Grandpa to participate in the final practice. And everything was so, would be a "Scherzer" never been away!
"The training was quite normal. As always, "said jokingly after the dry EXPRESS. That he had not kicked since his career end in May with the team, he had not been looked at. The man is fit as a fiddle, "I have made in recent weeks much run training, also increased I have not."
Of which were able to convince the ex-colleagues on Friday, led by Special Lukas Podolski (24), should accrue in addition to the joke against Bayern in the storm. "If a period of ten years for the FC holds out his bones, he deserves a dignified farewell," said the Poldi EXPRESS.
Even Kevin McKenna was on Friday returned to his participation in Goldcup in training, the Canadians came with wife Claudine and son, Jordan.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bonn admits to brutally

Bonn - Now it's like Harry Wildplakatierern deer in the neck: The city of Bonn is rocking their order from the road in 1989.
And that means in many areas over which the powerful had often been annoying Bonner, significant improvements. And for Wildplakatierer, Sprayer, game pisser, bold or aggressive beggars Free drastic penalties. Up to 1,000 Euros may be payable.
The Council will, in his mammoth session of 18 June, the revised Rules of the road decision. In the field order is figured out in parallel to, as planned, for example, the 15 employees even more effective after 18 clock (up to 23 clock) can be used.
Wilde posters under StrafeViele Wildplakatierer the authorities have taken many times with their party promotions on electricity boxes or at bus stops to despair. But legally get at them was rare.
For the posters could be easily removed. So no damage. But soon reaches Clause 4 of the new street order. Organizers, party host, "glue" will be punished if they attach their advertising.
BettelnNervtötendes aggressive and aggressive "Ey, haste mal 'nen euro for me" will no longer be tolerated under Clause 3 of the new road rules in Bonn. So-called "silent begging" is still allowed. The authorities go in the future, but against beggars in the city want the baby in her arms clamoring with compassion.
 Penalties in SperrbezirkBislang were asked prostitutes to checkout only if they are in Sperrbezirk negotiating with suitors or who did their job. In the future, it is also prohibited in Sperrbezirk, "include contact with prostitutes in order to agree a fee for sexual services." Means: Freedom will be punished.
Also of interest
Outdated restrictions

Friday, February 5, 2010

Letters over and landed in the mailbox

Erkrath - Gabriele Fink Schwarzer from Erkrath-Unterfeldhaus already had trouble with the delivery of mail in weeks.
"It is exasperating. I'm waiting for bank statements and important post from the Inland Revenue. None of it landed in my mailbox. It may be related to prior years that I was chairman of Cruelty to Animals in Erkrath. Who had a mailbox, and even then my private mail mistakenly ended up in there. "
SoKo EXPRESS spoke with Achim Gahr from Deutsche Post in Dusseldorf. After researching and found out: "There has been indeed a mailbox that was present for the as yet no effective notice. We have now settled. "
But it still did not work! Gabriele Fink Schwarzer was still waiting for their Post.Gahr: "The machine that reads the addresses and automatically sorts the mail, had not yet converted. But we have now entered the new data. In future, the Post will again end up with Mrs. Fink-black in the letterbox. I promise! "