Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Cicero is the right choice"

Cologne --
In the training match on Wednesday Dirk Lottner spun as before. The FC-idol coach Zvonimir Soldo currently supported as a guest instructor - and this is before the start of the second half against Dortmund Bundesliga (Sunday quite) up close to the troops.
Lotte, it was also the FC six years ago gave the final victory on the BVB. In the EXPRESS interview he explains what he expects for the return series: Poldi, Nova and his successor as captain, Youssef Mohamad!
Lotte about ...
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... his last Kunsttor FC win on Dortmund:
"This is a goal that has remained liable. That was a super goal. Nevertheless, we are unfortunately relegated at the end ... "
... his expectations for Lukas Podolski:
"You have to see two points. First, there is the pressure from the public, the transfer fee, the salary that is much higher than most. It must also take him perhaps even more in the duty and say, Poldi, you are voluntarily returned.
If this is your club, then you have to be more willing to tackle more, mitzulenken the structures in the Force, more go ahead. Because one thing is sure: He does not care what happens here. "
... the harmony of the team: "The impression that this is not a team, I can absolutely refute. The acceptance of each other exists. "
... New Captain Mohamad: "His election is useful. From a sporting perspective, he has justified his top performance through the bandage. He marched and skin in between. The A and O, to the fans to be accessible. Therefore we do not have to be German. I do not think much of this stereotype. "
... Relegation worries: "The do not have to. Because the base is present. The defensive. "
... the chances of "his" young professionals "Ben Basala, Reinhold Yabo and Adam Matuschyk will grab it. The only question is how fast. And that depends on present consolidated itself as a pro in the second half. "
... Milivoje Novakovic: "His situation is similar to Poldis. If he plays in the return series on the back burner, he will not play a good World Cup. The next 17 games are his World Cup preparations. "