Sunday, April 25, 2010

People beaten for no reason - Probation

Krefeld - Because he has taken without any opportunity to other people, is a 15-year-old from LandgerichtKrefeld to two years probation was convicted. Außerdembleibt of pupils accommodated in a youth facility, the court decided.
 The 15-year-old had been forced to answer for gutein half-dozen acts of severe prey to gefährlichenKörperverletzung. Accordingly, he beat on Easter Sunday with a 22-year-old accomplice out of the blue denFahrgast one on a bus. Then the man was taken off the phone.
   After the blows to the face had starkesNasenbluten the victim. Later came the drunken duo zuBoden Newspaper distributors and walked one in his face, broke up the pine.
The two starting ließenerst, as a passerby drove them away. The criminal case against denerwachsenen accomplices had been separated during the process.
BeideSchläger had shown himself confessed before the court. For Motivhatte the 15-year-old just said: "I do not know why." Following his arrest, were in the blood of the student over 1.2 per thousand, gefundenworden with his older accomplice of almost 1.9 per thousand.
 In addition to the violence of the teenagers were also mehrereDiebstähle some of scooters and driving without a license, criminal damage and a criminal complaint against a Unschuldigenvorgeworfen been.