Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jecke want to save her record

Dusseldorf - Who has the harm need not worry about the sarcasm. The failed attempt of the Düsseldorf revelers, with its "longest carnival meeting of the World" in the Guinness Book of Records to come, many now perceive as extremely painful. According to the fools were tinted, the effort was too great for the two-day event.
But so without further ado, the revelers did not throw in the towel. Manfred Castor, "inventor" of the marathon session: "We had asked us in time when Guinness judge Marco Frigatti for the conditions. There was never any question of that during the meeting ever the same actors on stage and sit in the hall would have the same audience. I think Mr. Frigatti do not know what the criteria should apply for our event. "
Marianne Kock, spokeswoman for the co-organizer Brewery Locks, confirmed: "We have had several conversations with Mr. previously Kuchenbecker, publisher of the Guinness book, and strictly adhered to the conditions."
Now the revelers want to save what can still be saved. Castor: "We will turn the British Consul General and invite him over to a carnival, perhaps Mr. Frigatti session. He even live that this is just a marathon party. "
Marianne Kock: "Mr Kuchenbecker will come to meet us. With a new idea, perhaps they could still save the record. Perhaps we need is not yet available but a category for those items. "
The suggestion that repeat marathon session once again, rejected it: "We do absolutely not." With or without the Guinness book. "It was a mega-event. And we had great fun during the two days, "said Castor.