Thursday, May 13, 2010

Girls (16 hidden) Babies in the garden - dead!

Namborn / Saarbrücken -
She let herself be treated in the hospital because of severe abdominal pain, the tragedy that had taken place recently, she said nothing:
A girl (16) from Namborn should have brought a child into the world and have then stored under a hedge in the garden of his home.
The ambulance was after the discovery early Monday afternoon to determine only the death of the child. Where was the baby remained in hospital the girl had not told the police said, referring to a doctor.
So far am not determine whether the child had lived at birth or whether it had been born dead, "said the spokesman. Clarity should bring an autopsy.
Moreover, further investigations are needed, such as around the 16-year-old student. "They must be heard," said the policeman. The girl was initially continued in the hospital.
The German Red Cross (DRC) had announced on Monday evening that the baby had been found behind a house in the snow. Previously, the rescuers had searched in a "dramatic use of" even with a rescue helicopter to the baby.