Friday, May 7, 2010

The London-Pavarotti is back

Dusseldorf - A Summer in the city without him? That would be like the tailor without Wibbel ... Düsseldorf Pavarotti is back! Julius Ursyn-Niemcevicz (44) belt out the last few days again his operas in the Schneider Wibbel Street.
By the end of August he will perform at the Old Town. "Every year I ask myself: Do I leave or I'm going on the biggest stage in the world?" The Pole said. "Every time I opt for the city's Old Town." And after all, been 24 years!
 "Many of Düsseldorf in recent days have approached me and assured me how much they are happy that I'm back," he says. "Now just have to play the weather ..."
One of his biggest fans is King Gastro Primo Lopez. "In the spring, he called and asked when I finally come back."
The London-Pavarotti, incidentally, very exciting times behind him. "An ex-girlfriend has been in touch with me and asked:" Do you remember our relationship 19 years ago? ". "Yes, I said. It was very beautiful. "She:" Beautiful is our son ... "" he says, laughing.
After his Dusseldorf vacation he wants to meet the 18-year-old Remy. "He lives in Warsaw. There and in Bytom, I have engagements at the Opera. "
 Because he always gets applause. "But only if I sing in the street, I know if I'm good. Only if the pedestrians do not like my singing, they stop and applaud. If not, they go further. "