Tuesday, May 25, 2010

sunk after fatal sex games in the barrel

Görlitz -
Perverse sex practitioners were Yvonne M. (20) undoing. The young woman was killed by her ex-boyfriend (21).
To cover up the gruesome crime, the offender tried to get rid of the body of his girlfriend in the quarry "on Gallows Hill." To these he partially embedded in concrete corpse of the young woman in a barrel in a lake.
But the body was found. After the autopsy is now clear that death was caused from the young saleswoman Herwig village in Saxony by the perverted sex practices. The now confirmed the Prosecutor Martin Uebele in Görlitz.
However, the prosecutor would not comment on details, the 21-year-old was in an initial interrogation, the events had slipped away from him ". He was one day after finding the corpse had been arrested.