Monday, February 22, 2010

Brothel boss pulls himself out of circulation

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Dusseldorf - All his life he was on the fast track. Now runs Germany's most famous brothel boss himself out of circulation:
Bert Wollersheim (58), boss of the Red Rethel mile on the road, do not want to constantly be the "night-owl from the service."
Socialite, charity organizer, author, "Lord of the Chickens" in several television documentaries, night after night oblique master of ceremonies in his clubs. "Puff-Daddy" Bert was dancing in recent years at many weddings. That should change now.
Wollersheim: "It's like this. I walk slowly to the 60th And I have a son whom I love above all. To think of him I must. Non-parties, galas, or glamorous - my boy is the most important thing in my life. "
Alain is his offspring. He is now seven years old. Wollersheim: "He now goes into the second class. And he needs me more each day. Finally, I am a single father. "
What is not always so easy when you constantly have to work at night. Therefore, Father Bert has taken a first consequence. He has brought support to the house. Similarly, blond as he did. But then, but a lot prettier.
At the opening of the newly renovated bar in house number 73 he will share duties with immediate effect, all of its new managing director Michaela Schmidt (34), Wholesale trained clerk. Both are now jointly control the fate of the three houses at the Red Mile.
Bert: "Then I can also stay in the evening time at home. And I am in top shape to get my Alain in the school. "