Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joke and McKenna are back

Cologne - There he was again. Just in time for the last time by 10 clock Matthias Scherz (37) entered the training ground on Friday. With the FC-pros, his ex-colleagues ...
Because he on Friday evening in the test against the Bavarians from the start was to be used, allowed new coach Zvonimir Soldo (41) the gate-Grandpa to participate in the final practice. And everything was so, would be a "Scherzer" never been away!
"The training was quite normal. As always, "said jokingly after the dry EXPRESS. That he had not kicked since his career end in May with the team, he had not been looked at. The man is fit as a fiddle, "I have made in recent weeks much run training, also increased I have not."
Of which were able to convince the ex-colleagues on Friday, led by Special Lukas Podolski (24), should accrue in addition to the joke against Bayern in the storm. "If a period of ten years for the FC holds out his bones, he deserves a dignified farewell," said the Poldi EXPRESS.
Even Kevin McKenna was on Friday returned to his participation in Goldcup in training, the Canadians came with wife Claudine and son, Jordan.