Sunday, March 14, 2010

Great Fortune defies the Bavaria

Dusseldorf - "Pull the Bavarians in lederhosen," echoed through the arena, as Olivier de Cock arrived eleven minutes remaining in the final short corner. That was the 2:3, and suddenly sensed Fortune fans that was in there a bit more than a hollow victory. But even if it stay that way - it was a great football night!
More than 30,000 spectators wanted to see the Bavarians, who came with almost all the stars and were able to prevail in the end just to re strong Düsseldorf. "That was not a real defeat," said Captain Henri Heeren followed accordingly. "That was a great game that was fun."
Fortuna had a great start, could even lead to 8 minutes to go. But after Ahmet Cebes playback Lumpi Lambertz stood in the way of the posts. The first score came heavily into play, realized after a half hour but then a threat of disgrace. Henceforth, Ottmar Hitzfeld turned star ensemble of powerful, went through Luca Toni in front - and it would Düsseldorf Number 1 Michael Melka not caught a cream-day, it would have to pause to be pretty bad.
After the change from substitute but then the 0:2 by Gary Speed, who later scored against his old colleague Gladbacher milking one more time. Between the raging double but not really sleep the Shell: armies had opened for Christian Erwig - and take in the moment it all. Through the "Braces" by keeper Bernd Dreher, he scored the 1:2, gave the signal for a tumultuous final phase.
There was even impressed with the industry leader. "Fortuna was laufstark and compact," praised Hitzfeld. And Hoeness: "Fortuna has demanded of us all. The team has already demonstrated the Wintercup that they are not in the 3rd League one. "
Also of interest
"Fortune has in League Two!"