Monday, May 31, 2010

Summit of the sports directors at the Costa del Sol

Marbella -
Borussia Fortuna and toil on the Costa del Sol.
EXPRESS sports directors brought Max Eberl (36) and Werner Wolf (67 combined).
The dual interview.
They know each of FC Bayern.
Werner: Max has helped me when I was in distress. We had a world class-A youth with ...
Eberl: ... Gospodarek in goal. Nerlinger, Münch, Hamann, Eberl, Radlspeck, Cerny, Babbel, Grlic - a super-vintage. Hermann Gerland I still talk to it, because we have left in the first round of the German championship against Stuttgart.
You have exceeded expectations. How do you experience the upswing of your neighbors?
Werner: Michael Frontzeck has formed a team that plays football the structural and makes it fun to go back. Borussia is on the way to establish themselves in the Bundesliga. This is the merit of Max and Michael. In the knock-out against Duisburg but I also noticed that the players always have problems against lower division opponents head back when they feel less able to achieve much. This does not work.
Eberl: Fortune Dusseldorfers rise of 50,000 in the stadium we have followed very closely. The giant Fortuna euphoria brought in a fantastic way for the new season and players brought to the hereinpassen in the new structure. With the transfer and the euphoria they are in regions to which they have not believed before the season. We can see what is possible with a team that holds it together and run in with Norbert Meier and Werner Wolf of experience. The praise I say. But now it's for Fortuna us to confirm what you have created. This is more complicated.
Both clubs are in the transfer table of the last decade at the top. Before you make now is that there can be quite simple.
Eberl: I made until 2008, our youth and watched from Fortuna to get the best talent. I have sometimes taken the trouble and compared all transfers in the Bundesliga over the past ten years. Since we are in the midfield. The number of flops at Gladbach otherwise than in Wolfsburg, Hannover, Frankfurt and Nuremberg. Of course, many in the head of this department store of the West and thus implied, we have constantly smuggles transfers and players through. Check it out on how much transfer Magath in two years has made in Wolfsburg.
Werner: When Magath all outshone by the championship, which conceals the commitments. When you see now what Wolfsburg everything tries desperately to leave, then you know also that many transfers were made in order to create a total construct, which has given them the opportunity to build peace in something. As a success has occurred, has not reckoned with the swine.
In Fortuna, I have followed from a distance that each year the team changed and ten were brought to New. There never was a team, but 20 players were thrown together and then it went back off again. So I can work not if you want to be successful. But you must create a structure in which something can develop.
Borussia had a little too much movement in the executive functions of the sporting side. In Fortuna also heads were changed permanently. As long as you have no rest get in, you can not succeed in Fortuna haben.Der came with the ex-Borussia Werner Meier, Melka, van den Bergh.
Werner: When I arrived in Dusseldorf, football was not exactly attractive. Then I said Uwe Weidemann, I will not run around in their own stadium with only a point. On top of me in Fortuna, people were screaming in every game, we want to fight you see. You do not hear more from us. Because they get the feeling that here is a team that wants to win.
Everyone would have slipped, as we are against Schalke in the final period behind lay 2:5. Schalke swallowed the 5:3, it was crazy and suddenly they had the 5:5 in it. Norbert has managed to take the types together so that only concluded when the referee abpfeift.
What is feasible for Fortuna?
Eberl: It's nice that such a euphoria was created. The decisive factor will be how you come out of the break. Fortuna is no longer seen as the underdog, but taken seriously true. I would be glad that if we had the future of Derby in the Bundesliga. That would be a class story. But it is damn hard.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

sunk after fatal sex games in the barrel

Görlitz -
Perverse sex practitioners were Yvonne M. (20) undoing. The young woman was killed by her ex-boyfriend (21).
To cover up the gruesome crime, the offender tried to get rid of the body of his girlfriend in the quarry "on Gallows Hill." To these he partially embedded in concrete corpse of the young woman in a barrel in a lake.
But the body was found. After the autopsy is now clear that death was caused from the young saleswoman Herwig village in Saxony by the perverted sex practices. The now confirmed the Prosecutor Martin Uebele in Görlitz.
However, the prosecutor would not comment on details, the 21-year-old was in an initial interrogation, the events had slipped away from him ". He was one day after finding the corpse had been arrested.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oliver Kalkofe blasphemes during Carnival

The comedian Oliver Kalkofe carnival items found in ARD and ZDF boring. The two channels is celebrated joie de vivre as the Land Registry said Kalkofe the news magazine "Der Spiegel".
Carnival on television has nothing to do with humor. It is for people who are too weak to get out.
At Carnival broadcasts with political ambition does not believe the comedian. Only a few political heads were good for ironic exaggerations. You could not make the whole day Westerwelle-jokes.
That television carnival held mainly in ARD and ZDF had his reason: "The younger audience of private broadcasters is at the time so on the road and drinks itself"
Comment on Kalkofes carnival views - just take part in discussions at / express and vote here ...
Video on the subject

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Girls (16 hidden) Babies in the garden - dead!

Namborn / Saarbrücken -
She let herself be treated in the hospital because of severe abdominal pain, the tragedy that had taken place recently, she said nothing:
A girl (16) from Namborn should have brought a child into the world and have then stored under a hedge in the garden of his home.
The ambulance was after the discovery early Monday afternoon to determine only the death of the child. Where was the baby remained in hospital the girl had not told the police said, referring to a doctor.
So far am not determine whether the child had lived at birth or whether it had been born dead, "said the spokesman. Clarity should bring an autopsy.
Moreover, further investigations are needed, such as around the 16-year-old student. "They must be heard," said the policeman. The girl was initially continued in the hospital.
The German Red Cross (DRC) had announced on Monday evening that the baby had been found behind a house in the snow. Previously, the rescuers had searched in a "dramatic use of" even with a rescue helicopter to the baby.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The London-Pavarotti is back

Dusseldorf - A Summer in the city without him? That would be like the tailor without Wibbel ... Düsseldorf Pavarotti is back! Julius Ursyn-Niemcevicz (44) belt out the last few days again his operas in the Schneider Wibbel Street.
By the end of August he will perform at the Old Town. "Every year I ask myself: Do I leave or I'm going on the biggest stage in the world?" The Pole said. "Every time I opt for the city's Old Town." And after all, been 24 years!
 "Many of Düsseldorf in recent days have approached me and assured me how much they are happy that I'm back," he says. "Now just have to play the weather ..."
One of his biggest fans is King Gastro Primo Lopez. "In the spring, he called and asked when I finally come back."
The London-Pavarotti, incidentally, very exciting times behind him. "An ex-girlfriend has been in touch with me and asked:" Do you remember our relationship 19 years ago? ". "Yes, I said. It was very beautiful. "She:" Beautiful is our son ... "" he says, laughing.
After his Dusseldorf vacation he wants to meet the 18-year-old Remy. "He lives in Warsaw. There and in Bytom, I have engagements at the Opera. "
 Because he always gets applause. "But only if I sing in the street, I know if I'm good. Only if the pedestrians do not like my singing, they stop and applaud. If not, they go further. "

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Cicero is the right choice"

Cologne --
In the training match on Wednesday Dirk Lottner spun as before. The FC-idol coach Zvonimir Soldo currently supported as a guest instructor - and this is before the start of the second half against Dortmund Bundesliga (Sunday quite) up close to the troops.
Lotte, it was also the FC six years ago gave the final victory on the BVB. In the EXPRESS interview he explains what he expects for the return series: Poldi, Nova and his successor as captain, Youssef Mohamad!
Lotte about ...
Next »
... his last Kunsttor FC win on Dortmund:
"This is a goal that has remained liable. That was a super goal. Nevertheless, we are unfortunately relegated at the end ... "
... his expectations for Lukas Podolski:
"You have to see two points. First, there is the pressure from the public, the transfer fee, the salary that is much higher than most. It must also take him perhaps even more in the duty and say, Poldi, you are voluntarily returned.
If this is your club, then you have to be more willing to tackle more, mitzulenken the structures in the Force, more go ahead. Because one thing is sure: He does not care what happens here. "
... the harmony of the team: "The impression that this is not a team, I can absolutely refute. The acceptance of each other exists. "
... New Captain Mohamad: "His election is useful. From a sporting perspective, he has justified his top performance through the bandage. He marched and skin in between. The A and O, to the fans to be accessible. Therefore we do not have to be German. I do not think much of this stereotype. "
... Relegation worries: "The do not have to. Because the base is present. The defensive. "
... the chances of "his" young professionals "Ben Basala, Reinhold Yabo and Adam Matuschyk will grab it. The only question is how fast. And that depends on present consolidated itself as a pro in the second half. "
... Milivoje Novakovic: "His situation is similar to Poldis. If he plays in the return series on the back burner, he will not play a good World Cup. The next 17 games are his World Cup preparations. "