Sunday, April 25, 2010

People beaten for no reason - Probation

Krefeld - Because he has taken without any opportunity to other people, is a 15-year-old from LandgerichtKrefeld to two years probation was convicted. Außerdembleibt of pupils accommodated in a youth facility, the court decided.
 The 15-year-old had been forced to answer for gutein half-dozen acts of severe prey to gefährlichenKörperverletzung. Accordingly, he beat on Easter Sunday with a 22-year-old accomplice out of the blue denFahrgast one on a bus. Then the man was taken off the phone.
   After the blows to the face had starkesNasenbluten the victim. Later came the drunken duo zuBoden Newspaper distributors and walked one in his face, broke up the pine.
The two starting ließenerst, as a passerby drove them away. The criminal case against denerwachsenen accomplices had been separated during the process.
BeideSchläger had shown himself confessed before the court. For Motivhatte the 15-year-old just said: "I do not know why." Following his arrest, were in the blood of the student over 1.2 per thousand, gefundenworden with his older accomplice of almost 1.9 per thousand.
 In addition to the violence of the teenagers were also mehrereDiebstähle some of scooters and driving without a license, criminal damage and a criminal complaint against a Unschuldigenvorgeworfen been.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Neuville: comeback in the starting lineup?

Mönchengladbach - Borussia fearing even a day before the home match against Hamburg to the flu sick magic dwarf Marko Marin and her Captain Rob Friend.
"Marko has slightly been through Thursday. He feels much better, so that the probability that he is against Hamburg, while large, but not at 100 percent, "said coach Hans Meyer.
"Rob has been a long time back problems that worsened after the game in Berlin. But he is on the mend. His use of opportunities available at 75 percent. "
Wobble Two offensive forces - Oliver Neuville thus can make legitimate hope for the first time ever under Meyer in the early formation.
"I certainly hope so, but the coach will decide," says the 35-year-old and bangs drum for himself: "As a striker it is important that you have options. And I had when I was a substitute in the last two games. "
In the second half only managed to win over Hanover while the winning goal for 3:2. Neuville: "Whether the force is sufficient for 90 minutes, I do not know. But I do not trust it to me anyway. "

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jecke want to save her record

Dusseldorf - Who has the harm need not worry about the sarcasm. The failed attempt of the Düsseldorf revelers, with its "longest carnival meeting of the World" in the Guinness Book of Records to come, many now perceive as extremely painful. According to the fools were tinted, the effort was too great for the two-day event.
But so without further ado, the revelers did not throw in the towel. Manfred Castor, "inventor" of the marathon session: "We had asked us in time when Guinness judge Marco Frigatti for the conditions. There was never any question of that during the meeting ever the same actors on stage and sit in the hall would have the same audience. I think Mr. Frigatti do not know what the criteria should apply for our event. "
Marianne Kock, spokeswoman for the co-organizer Brewery Locks, confirmed: "We have had several conversations with Mr. previously Kuchenbecker, publisher of the Guinness book, and strictly adhered to the conditions."
Now the revelers want to save what can still be saved. Castor: "We will turn the British Consul General and invite him over to a carnival, perhaps Mr. Frigatti session. He even live that this is just a marathon party. "
Marianne Kock: "Mr Kuchenbecker will come to meet us. With a new idea, perhaps they could still save the record. Perhaps we need is not yet available but a category for those items. "
The suggestion that repeat marathon session once again, rejected it: "We do absolutely not." With or without the Guinness book. "It was a mega-event. And we had great fun during the two days, "said Castor.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hassel-North is now under police protection

Dusseldorf - After a mysterious fire series is the high-rise housing "Furstenberg Park in Hassels virtually under police protection. A 6-member task force "Potsdam" has now taken up quarters at the Fürstenbergerstraße.
Commissioner Heiko Dodondke (49) and colleague Frank Roman (22) revealed on Wednesday how they want to catch the arsonist.
Potsdamer-and Fürstenbergerstraße: In the quarter it burned in recent years, 200-fold. Since January 2008 14 deliberate fires were recorded, of which eight 45th in the Potsdamer Strasse The police want to stop this series, now hunting the arsonists in the field. Police spokesman Mark Niesczery: "There are several culprits, which makes the information difficult."
 Accompanied by the interpreters Natalia Zhuravleva and Munira Mentrop fighting, the two investigators on Wednesday in the Potsdamer Strasse 45, 15 Down to the ground floor by ringing: distributing handbills asking questions - a "hard labor" at 105 tenants from 13 nations.
Heiko Dodondke and Roman Franke: "The tenants are surprised but happy that we are there. You notice that they would help us like to catch the perpetrators. We also provide education, say, how to avoid fire risks. We have just started and we believe that our efforts will have results soon, either way. "
Police spokesman Mark Niesczery: "The fires are still many other criminal offenses in this environment. Also we want to fight. The task force, working in three teams of two men, is also here at night, take the right suspects. "
Tenant Leonard Marx (52): "It was time that the police are here taking a position. The officials are seen here happy. "
More about: detectives hunt Ragefire of Hassels> Police Car Cracker snaps ties "Who will stop the spiral of violence? > A settlement> in fear

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Werder in the final - a decision paper ball game

Hamburg - Diego, the tragic hero! With a gala performance in the semi-final match against Hamburger SV Werder Bremen, the Brazilian scored the UEFA Cup final - and is not even there!
In the 3-2 victory Diego from Bremen picked up just before half a second yellow card in this competition - that means automatically lock for the next game!
And what a stupid yellow card himself einhandelte Diego. The Bremen could be provoked by Alex Silva. The Hamburg defender like Diego, a Brazilian who became first verbally and then with palpable Diego together. Referee Frank de Bleeckere (Belgium) showed two cocks dispute the yellow box.
Diego got is not even a. Even on their way into the cabin, he swore at Alex Silva, as he himself by his compatriot to take part in this grand finale on 20 May in Istanbul against Shakhtar Donetsk been felt.
"A nightmare, if not in the finals can be there," said Werder coach Thomas Schaaf. And then moved to the referee's decision: "What has made Diego got there? The other one comes and shoves him! "
Before this dispute Diego, Werder had to leave after the season in any case provided with a Klassetor for the 1:1 compensation (29.) after Ivica Olic had the HSV 1:0 in leading (13.). In Diego played with Claudio Pizarro double pass and capped the rally with his goal - world class!
The calculated Diego can now only sit and watch the finale, which takes him and Werder particularly hard. "This is terrible," felt the Emperor Franz Beckenbauer as a spectator with Werder's Brazilian, "especially the card was completely unnecessary. But Alex Silva, of course, it has provoked. "
Diego, met in the first half, even with a brilliant 20-meter shot the bar, snatched the game on Thursday, more and more themselves. Bremen was a preponderance in this game.
With the 2:1 by Claudio Pizarro, another outstanding player in the Werder-elf, Bremen was already in the final. Frank Baumann's results to make it 3-1 then it was perfect - absolutely curious results: The Hamburg Gravgaard wanted to clear up as the ball verspringt on a paper ball, which had thrown calculated HSV fans onto the pitch, for a corner. Diego that it leads, Almeida extended and Baumann behead you to 3:1. A gate that will go down in football history.
Although the HSV was still on the 2:3 connection hits (Olic, 87.), but that was not enough to progress.
"The game was incredibly hard-fought," said coach Joachim Loew also as a platform guest. And Werder coach Thomas Schaaf beamed: "I am pleased with the performance of my team. It never runs normal in our games. "
Read auchRandale stadium> HSV supporters attack Bremer fan buses to>
Also of interest
UEFA Cup: The pictures of the semi-finals