Sunday, February 28, 2010

Isabella Rossellini: "I'm looking for sex"

Dusseldorf --
"I am interested in the environment, animals and of course, for sex - but everyone does," she says and laughs out loud.
The beautiful Isabella Rossellini - on Donnertag put it with her loud laughter all at the NRW-Forum. She was in high spirits and in top shape, even though they had traveled at six clock from New York and was able to rest only briefly in her room at the Intercontinental at the Kö.
NRW-Forum, the 57-year-old her new photo book (Schirmer / Mosel Verlag), and their eponymous show "Green Porno presented" - 18 short films in which she explains about breeding techniques, among others, starfish, shrimp and whales.
Rossellini himself is not only a producer, writer and performer of all nine Seafood and nine species of insects. The daughter of Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini, the films are also her directorial debut.
Video entitled
"Then put me Robert Redford, whose Sundance Film Festival for Had I produced these films." Her parents proud of them?
"They were very amused! I could always have many cats and dogs have also been training guide dogs. My parents gave me early scientific books about animals and I always wanted to make a film about it. Then I became a model and actress. Now I'm doing what I always wanted to do! "
The films show Rossellini in colorful cardboard costumes and bizarre sex scenes from the life of these animals. "Who wants to laugh, who watch the films," she says and explains: "They also have a serious message. It's about our environment. "Thus warned of the dangers of fishing. "The appetite for fish passed me!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Brothel boss pulls himself out of circulation

eco thick yoga mat

Dusseldorf - All his life he was on the fast track. Now runs Germany's most famous brothel boss himself out of circulation:
Bert Wollersheim (58), boss of the Red Rethel mile on the road, do not want to constantly be the "night-owl from the service."
Socialite, charity organizer, author, "Lord of the Chickens" in several television documentaries, night after night oblique master of ceremonies in his clubs. "Puff-Daddy" Bert was dancing in recent years at many weddings. That should change now.
Wollersheim: "It's like this. I walk slowly to the 60th And I have a son whom I love above all. To think of him I must. Non-parties, galas, or glamorous - my boy is the most important thing in my life. "
Alain is his offspring. He is now seven years old. Wollersheim: "He now goes into the second class. And he needs me more each day. Finally, I am a single father. "
What is not always so easy when you constantly have to work at night. Therefore, Father Bert has taken a first consequence. He has brought support to the house. Similarly, blond as he did. But then, but a lot prettier.
At the opening of the newly renovated bar in house number 73 he will share duties with immediate effect, all of its new managing director Michaela Schmidt (34), Wholesale trained clerk. Both are now jointly control the fate of the three houses at the Red Mile.
Bert: "Then I can also stay in the evening time at home. And I am in top shape to get my Alain in the school. "

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joke and McKenna are back

Cologne - There he was again. Just in time for the last time by 10 clock Matthias Scherz (37) entered the training ground on Friday. With the FC-pros, his ex-colleagues ...
Because he on Friday evening in the test against the Bavarians from the start was to be used, allowed new coach Zvonimir Soldo (41) the gate-Grandpa to participate in the final practice. And everything was so, would be a "Scherzer" never been away!
"The training was quite normal. As always, "said jokingly after the dry EXPRESS. That he had not kicked since his career end in May with the team, he had not been looked at. The man is fit as a fiddle, "I have made in recent weeks much run training, also increased I have not."
Of which were able to convince the ex-colleagues on Friday, led by Special Lukas Podolski (24), should accrue in addition to the joke against Bayern in the storm. "If a period of ten years for the FC holds out his bones, he deserves a dignified farewell," said the Poldi EXPRESS.
Even Kevin McKenna was on Friday returned to his participation in Goldcup in training, the Canadians came with wife Claudine and son, Jordan.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bonn admits to brutally

Bonn - Now it's like Harry Wildplakatierern deer in the neck: The city of Bonn is rocking their order from the road in 1989.
And that means in many areas over which the powerful had often been annoying Bonner, significant improvements. And for Wildplakatierer, Sprayer, game pisser, bold or aggressive beggars Free drastic penalties. Up to 1,000 Euros may be payable.
The Council will, in his mammoth session of 18 June, the revised Rules of the road decision. In the field order is figured out in parallel to, as planned, for example, the 15 employees even more effective after 18 clock (up to 23 clock) can be used.
Wilde posters under StrafeViele Wildplakatierer the authorities have taken many times with their party promotions on electricity boxes or at bus stops to despair. But legally get at them was rare.
For the posters could be easily removed. So no damage. But soon reaches Clause 4 of the new street order. Organizers, party host, "glue" will be punished if they attach their advertising.
BettelnNervtötendes aggressive and aggressive "Ey, haste mal 'nen euro for me" will no longer be tolerated under Clause 3 of the new road rules in Bonn. So-called "silent begging" is still allowed. The authorities go in the future, but against beggars in the city want the baby in her arms clamoring with compassion.
 Penalties in SperrbezirkBislang were asked prostitutes to checkout only if they are in Sperrbezirk negotiating with suitors or who did their job. In the future, it is also prohibited in Sperrbezirk, "include contact with prostitutes in order to agree a fee for sexual services." Means: Freedom will be punished.
Also of interest
Outdated restrictions

Friday, February 5, 2010

Letters over and landed in the mailbox

Erkrath - Gabriele Fink Schwarzer from Erkrath-Unterfeldhaus already had trouble with the delivery of mail in weeks.
"It is exasperating. I'm waiting for bank statements and important post from the Inland Revenue. None of it landed in my mailbox. It may be related to prior years that I was chairman of Cruelty to Animals in Erkrath. Who had a mailbox, and even then my private mail mistakenly ended up in there. "
SoKo EXPRESS spoke with Achim Gahr from Deutsche Post in Dusseldorf. After researching and found out: "There has been indeed a mailbox that was present for the as yet no effective notice. We have now settled. "
But it still did not work! Gabriele Fink Schwarzer was still waiting for their Post.Gahr: "The machine that reads the addresses and automatically sorts the mail, had not yet converted. But we have now entered the new data. In future, the Post will again end up with Mrs. Fink-black in the letterbox. I promise! "