Friday, March 26, 2010

A super-hospital for the animals

Dusseldorf --
The state capital is the Mecca of veterinary medicine. Marco Lenzen (52) from Düsseldorf has fulfilled a lifelong dream.
After the former fashion designer more terrible fate of animals had suffered and witnessed first hand, he built on the Wielandstraße now Germany's largest veterinary hospital - the "Lesia AG, a Medical Center of superlatives.
On six floors from March to 24 highly qualified specialists, giving the ophthalmologist about tumor specialists to cardiologists, their best.
Medical Director Wolfgang Drinneberg: "We want our team to heal animals and care to set new standards. Using the latest scientific findings and the latest medical equipment up to the CT scanner for animals. "
Veterinarians will "Lesia" not be a competitor but partner. They share experiences and knowledge. CEO Dirk Jacob (36): "We also have an academy that will teach in the international capacity of veterinary medicine. It is open to veterinarians and pet owners. "
Pate and mascot of the clinic is "Lesia", half blinded dog. The "Center for Veterinary Medicine" bears his name. Lenzen had discovered him during a Greek vacation and saved from certain death.
Lenzen: "When I recently saw how a dog died because he bled to death during tooth extraction, it was clear to me what mission I had. It cost me a fortune. But I know that happy animals and happy owner of it will return to me. "
Despite the perfect technology of an animal hospital and animal should stay in the center. Animal welfare Lenzen wants to give new impetus to fight to ensure that the "thing" animal law, and also gets one more respectful role in daily life.
Eva Huthmann, senior veterinarian, "masters and mistresses who come with a cat, dog, bird, rabbit or reptile, shall always be in the progress of healing and care to share opportunities."
Dirk Jakobs: "The clinic also includes, for example, a blood bank for animals and an underwater treadmill for dogs, physical therapy seeks to eliminate or reduce suffering. The range is complemented by an emergency ambulance and rescue service around the clock. "

Saturday, March 20, 2010

DDR slot machine celebrates comeback

Cologne - Daddeln until the doctor comes - that was the GDR days, not just the "Americanized" Westerners reserved. For in the east of the "Poly-Play should celebrate" raging success since 1986 - developed by twelve young farmers of the machines VEB Polytechnic in Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz).
Now the comeback of the single slot of the GDR.
Legendary eight games slumbered in the rustic pressboard housing of the "Poly-Play" - from the fast-paced car racing to the DDR version of Pacman.
Particularly in the Game "Deer Hunting" might Hobby Hunters Honecker and his comrades have had their true joy.
Now, the operator of a website, set about reviving the DDR games on the internet again.
You can take the gamble (s) ostalgischen Games Eletro sound of the 80 included in the Flash version on>
By the way: More online games such as Seafight, Action League or Bejeweled 2 under / games>
Also of interest
These games can be played on the poly-Play

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Great Fortune defies the Bavaria

Dusseldorf - "Pull the Bavarians in lederhosen," echoed through the arena, as Olivier de Cock arrived eleven minutes remaining in the final short corner. That was the 2:3, and suddenly sensed Fortune fans that was in there a bit more than a hollow victory. But even if it stay that way - it was a great football night!
More than 30,000 spectators wanted to see the Bavarians, who came with almost all the stars and were able to prevail in the end just to re strong Düsseldorf. "That was not a real defeat," said Captain Henri Heeren followed accordingly. "That was a great game that was fun."
Fortuna had a great start, could even lead to 8 minutes to go. But after Ahmet Cebes playback Lumpi Lambertz stood in the way of the posts. The first score came heavily into play, realized after a half hour but then a threat of disgrace. Henceforth, Ottmar Hitzfeld turned star ensemble of powerful, went through Luca Toni in front - and it would Düsseldorf Number 1 Michael Melka not caught a cream-day, it would have to pause to be pretty bad.
After the change from substitute but then the 0:2 by Gary Speed, who later scored against his old colleague Gladbacher milking one more time. Between the raging double but not really sleep the Shell: armies had opened for Christian Erwig - and take in the moment it all. Through the "Braces" by keeper Bernd Dreher, he scored the 1:2, gave the signal for a tumultuous final phase.
There was even impressed with the industry leader. "Fortuna was laufstark and compact," praised Hitzfeld. And Hoeness: "Fortuna has demanded of us all. The team has already demonstrated the Wintercup that they are not in the 3rd League one. "
Also of interest
"Fortune has in League Two!"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brothel-bar poured

Dusseldorf --
There's always a first time ... opening party at Edelbordell! Three and a half months, the bar in the Rethelstraße was converted into 73 complex - at the weekend it was inaugurated. "The bar has become beautiful," enthuses brothel boss Bert Wollersheim. "She stands out completely from our other stores." Modern-style noble, sophisticated lighting and sound effects, plus a swing and go-go bar in the middle of the room.
Honor that some friends came by and with Puff-Daddy let the corks. "Fantastically here," said actor Ralf Richter, mitfeierte the same way as music producer Lukas Hilbert (ex-member of the jury of "Popstars"). Even pop star and kiosks owners Ricky Shayne was there. TV Channel "Vox" was filming everything.
It was not until the next day at 12.16 clock ended the party. Unanimous opinion of the guests: "A great festival! Michaela Schmidt, CEO of the new class-organized. "Soon there will be another open day!