Saturday, June 12, 2010

Eva's tormentor locked away forever

Bonn - The case of the 15-year-old Eva: She's been raped twice after her abduction.
Only five weeks after the martyrdom of the public prosecutor has filed charges against the alleged perpetrators W. Christian (25).
Against police officers is still being investigated: officials contributed to embarrassing investigation margins.
New details in the sensational case of the 15-year-old Eva, who was 18 hours long in the hands of a kidnapper. The prosecution said on Tuesday the indictment of Christian W. (last name), an employee at the hotel and catering industry, submitted for rape and false imprisonment.
This has taken place, according to prosecutors on 28 February is against Christian W. clock 22.45 in the Girls Meding Hoven as alleged cop. Eva shows her student. "I need you to go home," W. liar When Eve refuses W. grabs the 15-year-old, pulls her into the car.
There he puts Eva in handcuffs behind their backs glued to his mouth, is it a mask on his face. In his apartment in Flamersheim it dissolves in the middle of the night, suddenly the handcuffs.
W. draws from Eva, she lays on the bed. Then he raped the girl. Goes after a pause again to her.
A full 18 hours of the offender keeps his victims in the violence. He goes to fetch only once briefly in between cigarettes. Clock at 16.30, Christian W. Eva goes home. In the evening, the man is arrested. The police found child pornography in the apartment.
The prosecution will seek preventive detention for W.. He has until March 2006, already served a three-year jail sentence - for rape and false imprisonment.
Against police officers will be determined: A witness had observed how Eva was dragged into the car and transmitted on the indicator. Despite information on the sex offender rang the police were not with him.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bauer kills his wife with tractor

Schiedlberg - morning at 6:30 clock heard the daughter nor a cry, then it was quiet.
When the young woman hurried into the yard, they had to watch as her father, the mother rushed into the cesspool.
Schiedlberg in Steyr-Land, a picturesque spot in Upper Austria. Here occurred a murder that has rocked the whole place. M. Bruno (name changed) continued Wednesday morning on his tractor.
His wife was active already at the early hour in the yard. Suddenly, the 52-year-old gas and headed for the woman. She could not escape.
Bruno rolled over the 51-year-old sat, into reverse, drove again and again over the upper body.
He agreed, according to police a neighbor who lives 100 yards away on another farm. The man hurried to the court, but Bruno Bauer was now completely out of his mind. He sat back on his tractor and tried to run over to the neighbors. He escaped, however.
Then grabbed the farmer to the corpse, took him to ten meters away, septic tank and rushed him into the depths. Even the 21-year-old daughter failed to stop the madman.
Bruno sat in his car and tried to flee. On the lonely road he finally rammed a few kilometers to the ambulance, who was on his way to his farm.
He got out and could be arrested by the police without hesitation. Wednesday, the police issued arrest warrant. What has driven Bruno Bauer to murder, they do not know.